046: June Q&A


This month’s Q&A questions come from my husband, Mike, and Leigh. In this episode of Love Always, Jo, I’ll be answering questions about gratitude practices and transitioning from college to 9-5 life.



  • Gratitude practices are good way to redirect energy and inner critic
  • When you approach your life with gratitude you’ll start to see more ways to be grateful.
  • Happy / thank you / more please


Journal Prompts:

  • How do you cultivate gratitude in your life?
  • What made you smile today?
  • Who was kind or helpful today?
  • What was good today?
  • What did you enjoy today?
  • What did you do well today?


As someone transitioning into a new work phase and likely new routine, what are some gratitude practices you’d recommend on a daily or weekly basis?


At the beginning or end of the day, make a list of 3 things you’re grateful for. If you have anxiety in the morning, then you’ll want to do this list then; if you have anxiety at night, then the evening is the best time to write this list. You can also share what you’re grateful for at the end of the day with your spouse as a great conversation starter.


When you approach your life with gratitude you’ll start to see more ways to be grateful.


Here are some questions to help you find things you’re grateful for:

  • What made you smile today?
  • Who was kind or helpful today?
  • What was good today?
  • What did you enjoy today?
  • What did you do well today?
  • What past experiences led you to where you are or prepare you to be successful in this new role or moment?


You can also post on Instagram a list of the things you’re grateful for — Brit of JAM Marketing does this over on her Instagram.


How do you manage the transition from college life to cubicle life?


The biggest difference between college life and cubicle life is that there isn’t much movement. College life is very social—everyone is on the same schedule and in the same phase of life and it’s very on the go, there’s a lot of freedom and flexibility available to you. Whereas in the cubicle or 9-5 life, there isn’t as much variety in your day, not as many people that you interact with, or literal movement in your day.


Start with grieving the end of the chapter that has just finished; it’s okay to be sad and wish you could be with your friends all the time and have that freedom and flexibility you used to have. It’s okay to mourn what was.


Things you can do to ease that transition:

  1. Make plans with friends so you can still have that check in; from happy hour to long weekends away.
  2. Find ways that will make your day come alive—take a lunch break, go for a quick walk. Check out this post about how to make your day less ‘beige’.
  3. Find a hobby


The transition from college to adult life can be jarring so give yourself time to process. Check out this post about giving yourself time to process transitions.