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How to Avoid Burnout in Your Pursuit of Having It All {free workshop}

You swore this would never happen again...the last time this happened.

You ran yourself into the ground again. Your calendar is jam-packed, you’re exhausted, and there’s no end in sight.

There are big things at work, something pretty much every night of the week, and your weekends are booked for the foreseeable future too. Even the fun things, like celebrations for people you love and reunions with friends you haven’t seen in forever, feel like another thing on the list. So many obligations, so little time.

The only thing that sounds fun right about now is a nap and weekend with no plans. If you’re honest, a break is all you think about. And wishing for that is only making you more tired and more overwhelmed.


What if this could actually be the last time you find yourself in this situation?

What would that be like?


Imagine having a calendar that feels full and spacious at the same time.

Imagine looking at the week ahead and feeling excited about the things you see and confident that you’ll shine through all of it. Imagine being able to accomplish all the things you need to do and having space for the things you want to do, like read a book or go for a walk.  

Finally, you have the time and energy for the things that matter most to you: to kickass and make an impact at work, to be a good partner, parent, and friend, and most importantly, to take care of yourself.


You can have it all, and you don’t have to burn out in the process.

Hi, I’m Joanna, a life and relationship coach for visionary high-achievers who are burnt out, overwhelmed, and on a never-ending treadmill of obligations and to-dos. I help them feel calm, confident, and in control regardless of what’s going on around them.


In this free workshop, you will learn…

— What burnout really is

— Six super simple ways to stay away from burnout

— Surprising things you can start today to make sure you don’t end up back here again

Finally, become the blissed-out badass you know you can be.


Here’s how to register:

 Step 1: Click the dropdown below for the date you’ll attend

Step 2: Add the date to your calendar

Step 3: Download the workbook to take notes during our live video call


If you can’t attend live, don’t worry. You’ll get a replay the next day so you can listen on the go.