083: The Inner Critic + Money

The Inner Critic + Money

We’re starting a new type of show on Love Always, Jo today: “the Inner Critic +” and today’s topic is the Inner Critic + Money. In this series, we’ll explore how the inner critic shows up in different areas of our lives. If you like this episode, DM me on IG and let me know what subjects you’d like me to cover next.

In today’s episode, you’ll hear…

  • What the inner critic is
  • What your inner critic might say about how to use money, debt, and keeping up with the Jones’
  • Why I love the inner critic so much
  • What’s happening when you’re looking at your budget and getting overwhelmed
  • Questions to help you reflect on your beliefs around money


Links mentioned:



  • I believe in buying the things you want, buying the things that bring you joy
  • You want to choose the rules that ultimately serve you
  • What if debt was neutral? What if debt wasn’t good or bad?
  • We have to remember that we are adults and we are wise and we get to choose what we navigate
  • What rules are you playing by when it comes to money? How do they fit?
  • What does future you believe about money?


Journal Prompts

  • What does your inner critic say about money?
  • What role do you want money to play in your life and decisions?
  • What does future you believe about money?