Get it…October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month…Ta-Ta…no? Ok.
October started out a bit rocky because I was stressed with the class I was taking and realized that this is actually the time of yeah that seasonal affective disorder kicks in for me. So I tried to spend October eating one vegetable per day and one fruit per day (yes, I realize that it shouldn’t be that challenging) and getting back into a regular gym routine. Though I didn’t list them like I did in September and August, those were my goals. Simple, easy, but could make a world of difference in how I’m feeling day to day.
But overall October was a fun month for me:
I had a weekend to myself and booked a personal trainer. Then Mike and I caught up with a night away in Virginia.
My family came to visit and I went to the National Zoo for the first time!
Mike went away for work again and I had a busy but fun/social weekend. Then Mike came back and we caught up.
Last weekend was another friend-filled weekend with a visit from a college friend and a bachelorette party.
And this past weekend I went along on Mike’s work trip to Chicago! (more to come on that soon!)
Wow, when I go back and think about all the great things that happened this month, I remember how much fun I had this month. The wonderful things this month was filled with. It’s easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day grind and recall the mental challenges I’ve been facing, the sleepy mornings, lack of motivation, and boredom. I’m so glad I went back through the highlights of the month. Because to be honest, this post only skims the surface and the things that made me smile this month.
So tell me:
How was your October? What made you smile this month?