5 ways to value myself

During our coffee date the other day, I shared that I’m reading Money: A Love Story by Kate Northrup. I’m actually doing the exercises in this book and they are SO powerful. I’m still processing a lot of my responses both on my own and with my coach. There is just so much good stuff here, it’s a lot to digest. To be honest, a lot of my realizations make me feel really vulnerable. I hope to have the courage to share more of my responses, realizations, and takeaways here but we’ll see.

For now, here is one piece that really stuck with me.

In Money, Kate emphasizes self-value and self-care and how they relate to money. She says:

Self-care is about loving yourself. If you can’t learn to put energy toward your own care and feeding, who else will? If you can’t value yourself enough to put yourself first from time to time, how the heck do you expect to be valued in the world?

Money is about what we value. We pay for what we value. We pay attention to what we value. This is an issue of valuing yourself.

This makes total sense to me but it’s not something I’ve thought about before. Of course, self-care and money are related. One way to show that you’re worth financial abundance is to value yourself, to love yourself, and to treat yourself kindly. In doing so, you send a message to the universe, you show the universe how you want to be treated.

To be truthful, I haven’t been sending exactly the message I want to send so I’ve been focusing more on that.

Here’s my response to the second part of a two-part exercise about self-love and self-care.

Part two: Make a list of five ways that you can care for yourself, value yourself, and/or love yourself more this week.

My answers:

  1. Always have fresh flowers at home.
  2. Eat a really good salad. Bonus if you make it yourself.
  3. Curl my hair once this week.
  4. Say no. Without guilt.
  5. Blog: write and publish

And another to add that I’ve been practicing this week unintentionally but it’s a big piece of self-love for me: spend your mornings doing what feels good (something I did for a little while last year).

So what do you think? How do you show yourself love and care?