Fun-filled weekend

I had a great weekend.  What a weekend should be.  It was full of fun, full of relaxtion, and even a little bit productive.

We had our friend Leigh Anne over for dinner on Friday night.  We made this delicious lasagna and sat around our kitchen chatting.  Cooking for people is one of my absolute favorite things and since moving we really haven’t entertained much.  So, it was great to host again.

Mike and I had each had a nice Saturday morning apart.

On Saturday night, we went to the Caps game with our friends Emily and Zach.

Emily got tickets from work and invited us to join them.  The seats were amazing–6 rows from the ice.  I said to Mike “if we could have that type of seat all the time, I’d be down to go all the time.” The game went into a shootout, so that was pretty cool. For all those who are wondering, the Devils won.

Before the game we had dinner at Zaytinya. We had plenty of time before the game so we were able to relax, take our time, order a couple rounds of food and drink. The food was delicious.  My favorites were the seasonal mushrooms and the scallops. After about 4 carafes of the Pom Fili (white wine, vodka, and pomegranate), we were feeling pretty good, having a good time.

It was exactly what a Saturday night should be: out on the town with good friends, good food, good drink, and lots of laughs.  Thanks guys!

Like I said, we had our fill of Pom Fili, and I was definitely feeling it on Sunday morning.  I wasn’t sick or anything but didn’t feel like doing much. We walked to get bagels and then came back and relaxed.  I read and took a nap.  We had a productive trip to Target and came back and relaxed.  While Mike watched football, I read and took a nap.

I capped off a great weekend with an awesome workout.  Body Combat is one of my absolute favorite gym classes.  I went every Sunday morning I could in the months leading up to our wedding, then took a gym hiatus, and when we moved my new gym didn’t have a class that fit in with my schedule. But they’ve added a Sunday 5pm class and that’s where I was last night.  I have so much fun in Body Combat.  The music gets your adrenaline pumping, the moves work your entire body, and the martial arts focus makes me feel strong–like no one can mess with me.  No joke, I find myself smiling ear to ear and laughing during the class. [It’s fine, you can roll your eyes at me just like I did at the kid in college that said that math proofs were “cute.”] Anyway, I was so glad to be back and had a lot of fun.

While I was at the gym, Mike went to the grocery store and he made us a delicious dinner when we got home. We ate Rachel Ray’s Chicken Parm Meatballs in front of the TV while watching How I Met Your Mother. I cleaned up while Mike hung up some pictures in our bathroom–we now have one room in our apartment complete!

I headed to bed to read and after reading for a bit realized I was tired yet so I went to cuddle on the couch with Mike.  A great end to a great weekend!

So tell me:

How was your weekend?  What did you do?