september still reminds me of school days. of waiting for the bus on a chilly morning, football games on brisk nights, after-school snacks, new teachers and classes, and the excitement of a new year. i’m hoping to take those feelings into this month as i look to my september goals.
- go on two dates (i think this may be a monthly goal.)
- keep detailed record of my spending
- start prep for GRE/GMAT by looking up words in my list of words i don’t know
- write and publish things after the rings about page
miscellaneous these are more to-do’s than goals but whatev.
- choose photos for wedding album and place order
- post favorite wedding photos on facebook
- go shopping three times (i’m going to be screwed when fall comes and i have two pairs of pants. this is to support a larger goal of developing a wardrobe.)
- what memories or feelings does september bring to you?
- what are your goals for september?