link love

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This is my second weekend in a row with no plans! I’m totally loving it and for once, letting myself relish in not having plans and not putting pressure on myself to make any or do a million things. Have a relaxing weekend!

A Facebook friend shared this article with the caption “a must-read for educators.” I think it’s a must-read for everyone.

This op-ed has been circulating for a while but I hadn’t actually read it until this week. I was chatting with a co-worker about busyness and how I don’t want to answer “Good. Busy.” when someone asks me how I am. No kidding, within 20 minutes this link showed up in my inbox…sent my a former co-worker. So weird. I read it. It’s worth a read. The whole thing.

Two blog posts with truths that almost brought me to tears: an open letter to parents from a non-parent and one on getting married at 23.

On Love Always, Jo this week:

A reader sent this video in response to my post on gratitude. The student talks about how vulnerable saying thank you is. It’s so true. I was really hesitant to publish my post on Thursday because it made me feel really vulnerable–what if I interpreted the my colleagues the wrong way? what if this is stupid and silly? Anyway, enough about me, watch the video.

Have you read anything good lately? Share in the comments!