My Marvelous March {Giveaway winner}

The month of March was pretty good to me. Though it was filled with periods of anxiety, mostly it was filled with exciting things and people I love.

We started the month with a visit from Mike’s parents.

I coached my first Girls on the Run practice.

I paid off my credit card.

Daylight savings came.

I spent a week in St. Lucia with my sisters.

I came back and had some time to myself while Mike was in Disney.

I found out that Jess is bringing the Business with Intention Workshop to DC in May and I signed up.

Because I get paid bi-weekly and there were five Fridays in March, I got an extra paycheck this month.

I paid off my first student loan, accelerating my debt snowball.

I spent the last day of the month exploring DC with my sister Chrissy, some of her friends from school, my dad and his girlfriend Debbie.

I hosted my first giveaway!

Giveaway Winner

The winner of How to Cook Everything Vegetarian is Sarah! Please send your mailing address to

I’d love to know:

What was good about your March?