Something I love to do

I love taking myself on lunch dates. Especially during the work day. Sit down. Relax. Read a book or blogs on my phone. Look around. Write. Think. Just be. Peaceful. Away from the computer.

Lunch date

A couple months ago when I first started my new job*, I went to a small Italian pizza place down the street from my office. I could’ve gotten it to go but decided to sit for a while and enjoy the time out of the office. I ordered an eggplant parm panini and while I waited for it to arrive I jotted down some ideas in a notebook, read blogs on my phone, and just looked around. It was so relaxing. I’ve been thinking about that sandwich ever since. It probably wasn’t anything to write home about but the experience of just taking a nice break to decompress and regroup made it feel so luxurious and special.

I’m not one that has super strong beliefs or opinions on things but if there’s one thing I really believe in, it’s lunch. And taking a real legitimate break to enjoy it.



*I started a new job in November. Still in university fundraising in DC but managing a small team. It’s going really really well!
**Pictured above: lunch from my most recent date with myself at a bakery near my office. A few “salads” and a butternut squash soup.