thought a day

Mike got me a thought-a-day journal for Christmas. It’s a five year journal and for 5 years you write one thought a day.  When you get back to the beginning, you write year two’s thoughts under year one and so on. Wow, it’s crazy to think we could’ve filled two of these in the time we’ve been together.

I love the idea of this.  It’s neat to think about all that will change in the next five years–we’ll have new jobs, a baby or two, be living in a new place.  Think about the people we’ll meet, the places we’ll go, the things will do.  I know I’ll treasure this gift even after it’s all filled up.

How it’s going

You’d think this would be easy.  It’s a simple journal–you only have to write one or two thoughts per day! You don’t have to get into the nitty-gritty and spend 45 mins scribbling all the details of your day.  It’s meant to be quick and painless.

Here’s where I’m struggling:

I usually wait until right before bed to write my thought, at which point my thought is usually “I’m so tired.”  I don’t want an entire journal filled with “I’m so tired today.” Maybe writing down thoughts throughout the day would help and then I could choose a thought. Another option would be to write a thought first thing when I wake up the next morning.

It’s also kind of hard to choose one thought.  One thought that sums up the day.

I realize I’m probably over-thinking it (as I do with a LOT of things). I think I need to just enjoy it. Write if I want. Don’t put pressure if I don’t have a thought or I forget.

How quickly I forgot what I’ve learned about journaling