two questions: driving and dinner

I thought I’d start a new line of posts today.  A mini-questionnaire of sorts.  Just two marriage/relationship themed questions.  Two questions seems like just the right amount to answer.  If you have questions you’d like included in the series, post them in the comments, share them on my Facebook page, or send me an email. 

Who drives?

We take turns.  I usually drive in the morning–say to the gym or to the bookstore on Saturday mornings.  We joke that that’s my “shift.” Mike usually drives otherwise.  Unless we’re going somewhere that I know how to get to and he doesn’t.  I get a little impatient and would rather just drive us there than give directions. When we go home to PA, Mike usually drives.

Where do you eat dinner?

We usually eat dinner while sitting on the couch and hunching over the coffee table and watching TV.  While this is not ideal and we both acknowledge that we talk a lot more when we sit at the table, most nights by the time we get to eat we just want to veg on the couch.  At this point dinner is more about feeding ourselves than it is about connecting.  I hope that at some point we’ll make dinner more of a ritual and a time to reconnect rather than zone out in front of the TV. I definitely want dinner time to be a family thing and our kitchen to be a warm place where we all connect. I want Mike and our future kids to come home from school/work and ask what’s for dinner and hang around while I cook.  I want this to be a special time for all of us.  Right now Mike and I have some of our best conversations in the kitchen.

Your turn:

Who drives in your relationship? Where do you eat dinner?

If you’re not in a relationship, what do you hope your future relationship will look like in either of these areas?