[two questions] tv edition

I’m so excited for new seasons of the fall shows to start back up so I thought I’d do today’s two questions about TV.

What TV shows do you watch together?

“Our” shows include Parenthood, Scandal, Newsroom (first season just ended),  and How I Met Your Mother.  We’ll watch the new episodes together usually on DVR as soon as we can after they air.  And we won’t watch without each other. I feel like HIMYM is pretty popular with people our age so I don’t really need to hype that one up too much.  But seriously, I’d highly recommend you check out Parenthood and Scandal.

We also love Modern Family but we’re a season behind–first disc of season three arrives from Netflix today! That show makes us crack up. Literally Mike laughs out loud.  I’m almost ready to laugh out loud thinking about how hard he laughs during the show. One of the lines that really got him was when they were in Hawaii and Manny and Luke were rooming together and Manny said something to Luke about how there was pee all over and did he pee with his eyes closed.  To which Luke responds: “I was brushing my teeth at the same time.”  Mike literally busted out laughing over that line.  Like full body laughter on the couch.  Priceless.

Other shows we love but aren’t as religious about include Law & Order: SVU and Criminal Minds.

What TV programs have you started to enjoy as a result of your relationship?

I’ve started to appreciate documentaries and specials about the political process and history.

When I asked Mike this question, he looked at me with a smirk.  “You don’t have any?” I said.  More or less.

But he will tolerate some reality TV shows I watch like the Kardashians.  We’ve also watched Army Wives together.  And Mike does admit to getting into a few seasons of The Biggest Loser.

Mike did turn his nose up to Law & Order: SVU when I suggested it to him in college.  Luckily, he quickly caught on.  Same thing happened with Criminal Minds and now they are both shows we always look for in the guide.  (Side note: Remember what life was like before the guide?  Wow.  And DVR?  We’ve come so far.)

Talk to me!

First things first: any Parenthood or Scandal fans out there?

How would you answer the questions above?