What Kristen Bell and I have in common

This video of Kristen Bell discussing a sloth on Ellen kept appearing in my news feed on Facebook so I finally decided to take a look.

In this interview, Kristen said something and I thought “OMG that’s me!” 

That is me.  That statement describes my emotional being to. a. T.

Mike comments “3 to 7 might be a big window for you.” Ha, ha, ha. 

This is something you should know about me, and if you’ve been reading Things After the Rings for more than a week you may probably already know this: I’m a very emotional person.

Remember the little girl in the elevator?

Or when I missed my mom?

How about when I cried tears of joy on Valentine’s Day?

When my girlfriends left after a weekend visit?

When I found Mike’s wedding suit in the laundry basket?

Oh, and then there was the time that I cried the entire day after my wedding.

Tears are nothing new to me. My friends/family/co-workers know I’m a crier. And I’m OK with that.  I own it.  And I love that I now have this gem of a statement to describe my emotional self.  (It also doesn’t hurt to know that there are other people out there like me.) Thank you, Kristen Bell.

I’d love to know:

If you could describe your emotional state in one sentence, what would it be?