what's blog worthy?

There aren’t enough hours in the day for me to share everything I’d like to share with you.

I spend quite a bit of time thinking about things and writing about things and wondering “could this be a blog post?”

From epiphanies I have on the elliptical to musings on my daily commute, from experiences that make my heart sing to things that make me realize I’m an adult, there are so many things I want to tell you.

I have a page of wedding related post ideas, dozens of other miscellaneous ones jotted down throughout my journal, and countless others floating around in my brain.


There are more serious things like…

Experiences as a twenty-something:

  • adjusting to friendships as an adult
  • advice to the class of 2012
Experiences as a newlywed:
Wedding recaps:
Wedding planning recaps and wedding planning tips:
  • the process of writing our vows
  • an easy tip for choosing and working with vendors
  • my 3 non-negotiables for my wedding day
And then there are random things I feel are note-worthy…

Things that make me laugh:

  • how I made a rule for Mike the other day that he had to talk in rhyme for 10 minutes or
  • how my office-mate David put on a headset from the call center and pretended to be an operator on the Butterball Hot-line
Food-related things:
  • my new favorite marinade: Soy Vay Hoisin and Garlic
  • I’m having a serious aversion to fried eggs and haven’t been able to think about eating one for over a month
And then there are things I think about very regularly that could become staples of my blog…
Ideas for new series:
  • simple joys
  • advice I give myself
And there is so much more…
So I wonder, how do I choose what to focus on? Do I wait for inspiration to come to me and share what I start scribbling furiously in my notebook while waiting for the bus (when I have a lot of my good ideas)?
Or should I be more intentional than that? Should I get into a more regular routine of trying to actually formulate coherent thoughts about the topics I quickly jot down in my blog post idea list?
Talk to me:
Bloggers: How do you decide what is blog-worthy?
Readers: What do you like to read?