053: A Heart to Heart on Not Living Beige

Heart to heart on not living a beige life #liveintechnicolor #podcast #lifecoach #relationshipcoach #cubiclelife #freelancelife #ontheroadtofulltime #feelmorealive #journalprompt #writingprompt #dailyjournal


In this episode of Love Always, Jo I’m going away from my normal Q&A format and turning it into a more substantive episode called A Heart to Heart on Not Living Beige.


Starting this month (the 3rd Tuesday of each month) I’ll be doing a heart to heart, and next month (September) I’ll be talking about marriage. If you have any questions or issues about marriage that you want to discuss or want support on, you can click here to fill out a short questionnaire. Or maybe you have amazing advice or something you’re excited about on the topic of marriage, share that as well! The deadline for sending in the questions, issues, or advice will be the first of the month.


For six years I’ve wanted to go FT as a life coach and I’m now living that dream. It’s been amazing, and it’s been challenging. When I was in cubicle life I would describe my life as beige. I had someone ask me what technicolor would look like. I’ve been on a constant search to feel alive and excited, to have a fervor and excitement for life. I thought the freedom that self-employment brought would make me feel alive, and 3 months in I wasn’t feeling more alive, it was feeling just as beige as when I worked in a cube FT. Now that I’ve recognized the feeling of beige, and that I can give myself more permission to get out of the 9-5 cycle I was in. I can create the space to do things and see people that make me feel more alive.


We often think when we get to a certain place that everything is going to be different and that we’re going to feel so much better, or a certain way. But that’s not necessarily true because you’re still you wherever you are.


You don’t have to wait to get to some future destination, whenever the “when I” thing is you can have that feeling right now. You’ll have to practice it, but you can have it right now.


How can you start living the life you want to live and being the person you want to be right now?


I’d love to see the what you’re doing now to start living the life you want to live! Tag me on IG @joanna_platt and #downwiththebeige


Here’s to consciously choosing to live a technicolor life.


Journal Prompts:

  • What would a technicolor life look like?
  • What can you do today that would make you feel alive?


  • You’re still you wherever you are
  • You can feel more alive right now without making big changes
  • Create space to do things and see people that make you feel more alive
  • Don’t wait for the “when I” in life. Start living in technicolor now


Heart to heart on not living a beige life #liveintechnicolor #podcast #lifecoach #relationshipcoach #cubiclelife #freelancelife #ontheroadtofulltime #feelmorealive #journalprompt #writingprompt #dailyjournal