it's OK if you don't know

A few weeks ago, I went back to my alma mater to participate in a career day for sophomores. I was part of a panel called Unexpected Career Paths.  It was so fun to share my career story and hear the stories and advice of other alumni on the panel.

A reoccurring theme through the event, from the keynote address to the panel discussions, was “it’s OK if you don’t know what you want to do.”

Let me repeat that:

It’s OK if you don’t know what you want to do for the rest of your life.

I did. And then I didn’t.


But, if you want to figure it out, I’d be happy to help.

my favorite lunch activities

I need a break around lunch time every day.  I’ve realized that I don’t need to use my hour lunch break simply to eat lunch. I can really maximize the hour by using it to clear my head, get some sun, fresh air, some movement for my body. Though I love going out to lunch on occasion, some of my favorite lunch time activities have nothing to do with food.

Here are some ways I love to spend my lunch break:

get my hair cut: I’m pretty sure getting my hair cut at lunch is one of the best ideas I’ve ever had. I feel immediately relaxed when I walk into the hair salon. It’s like a little spa break in the middle of the day. And then you go back to work with nice hair. Do it on a day you have a date night…bada bing.

go to the library: Sometimes I’ll go to pick up a book I’ve put on hold and other times I like to go and just look around. There’s something about discovering a good book at the library and then checking it out.  I just got this for FREE.  Woah.  Still blows my mind and makes me super excited.

go for a nice long walk, just letting myself wander: Earlier this week I went for a walk around the block that turned into a 30 minute walk into a neighborhood I hadn’t walked through before.  I started walking and got this feeling of I just want to keep going.  So I did. Look at this amazing house I stumbled on…

walk around a bookstore: Bookstores have a totally different energy than libraries. I love wandering around bookstores too, looking at all the new books on the tables. I don’t usually buy things during my lunch hour, just like to go and peruse. It totally takes me away for a little while.

read a novel: I like to take a book outside and read or go sit in the kitchen or the lobby of the building for a change of scenery. But even taking some time to shut off my computer monitor and read at my desk is a nice change of pace.  Good quiet, relaxing time.

Talk to me:

What’s your favorite thing to do during lunch?

Looking for new things to do to light you up during lunch? Take a look back at your inspiration list for ideas.

what i do as a life coach

In September 2011, I wrote this on my blog:

We were on the boardwalk and a little girl was sitting two benches down from us admiring a new hermit crab and holding onto a green balloon.  It’s pretty windy here today and the balloon got caught in the wind and started bouncing down the boardwalk.  Did the little girl cry?  Nope.  She said “let’s get it” and started running after it with a big smile on her face.  She and her uncle finally caught up to it and she walked back our way with her arms around the balloon and a huge smile on her face.  They walked past us on their way to do whatever it is they were going to do next.  Two or three minutes later, we see a green balloon bouncing by again. It brushes Mike’s leg as it bounces under the bench we’re sitting on and a pinkish red one follows.  And here comes the uncle chasing after it again, the little girl following quickly behind, still with a big smile on her face.  And i thought, this is a great metaphor for life.  If your green balloon starts to blow or bounce away, just run after it with a big smile on your face. You’ll get it.

This is what I do now. As a life coach, I help my clients chase after their balloons with a smiles on their faces.

how I prepare for an interview

Some of my favorite people are applying for jobs!

Here’s how I prepare for interviews:

I create a handwritten sheet that looks like the picture above.  Writing it by hand helps to solidify the information in your head in a way that typing doesn’t. I recommend handwriting it.

It has three sections:

  1. why Joanna, 
  2. why the job/company, and
  3. questions.

In the first section, why Joanna, I list qualities, skills, and experiences I have that make me a good candidate and that I want to remember to highlight in my interview. You can include projects you’ve worked on in the past, successes from previous positions, or just qualities of you as a worker/person.

In the second section, why the job/company/organization, I list things about the job that interest me, reasons why I’d want to work for that particular company, why you applied, etc.

And last but not least, the questions section.  Here I come up with 3-5 really good questions, ones that show I know enough to ask a good question but also are things I’m curious about. You should always ask questions at the end of the interview, and have questions prepared ahead of time just in case you get caught up and can’t think of one in the moment. Asking good questions shows your interest in the position. The answers to these questions can give you clues about the working environment, how they problem solve, how the organization handles certain situations.  You can use the questions to get information you can use to compare and contrast your current job or previous positions, etc.  One tip for creating your questions: make sure they’re not too leading–you don’t want the interviewer to think you will or will not take the job based on how they answer.

After I fill out my worksheet, I review it a little bit but truthfully I hardly have to reference it in the interview because I spent time thinking about it, writing it, and looking at it.

How do you prepare for interviews?

falling is not failing

Last night I went to my favorite yoga class and during the balance track, I was reminded of something I’ve been wanting to share for a while.

It must’ve been a year and half ago that I heard this phrase during a balance pose. It brought tears to my eyes that first time because of the pure truth of it.  And it’s stuck with me ever since.

Falling is not failing.

Falling is not failing.

Though the balance poses are seemingly simple and don’t require much physical strength or stamina, they can be very challenging.  Sometimes you’ll lose balance or focus and start to wobble a little bit but catch yourself.  Other times, you’ll topple over and touch the ground.  But if you keep at it, you’ll find your way.

But touching down on the ground is not failure.  It means you pushed yourself, it means you tried.  If you didn’t try, you couldn’t fall. If you didn’t try at all, you wouldn’t find the pose.

In life, we all fall sometimes. But when we do, it’s important to remember that falling is not failing.

When it comes to my career I toppled over quite a bit on the way to finding my balance.

For as long as I can remember I wanted to be a teacher.  I taught right out of undergrad and lasted three months. My life long dream of changing the world one child at a time lasted all of three months.  I couldn’t do it. I quit before Thanksgiving of my first year.

I started at my current job in the development office of a university here in DC shortly after.  Within six months, cubicle life started to weigh on me. While I enjoyed my job and the people around me, I knew I wasn’t doing what I was supposed to be doing and I was constantly on a search to figure out what I was going to “be.” Part of me still couldn’t believe that I wasn’t a teacher.

Though I never wanted to go back to teaching, teaching/educating/inspiring people was an integral part of me. I explored options within my current field while at the same time taking classes with my tuition benefit. I started down the path to become a career counselor and finished a group of courses on the subject.  I applied for a Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. I didn’t get in.  While of course it stung to get rejected, part of me was relieved.

But I was stumped.  Now what? Over the next year or so I grappled with what to do. I decided I’d try a course in the business school. I always thought an MBA would be practical and that I’d be interested in it.  It’s versatile.  Why not? I was able to take a class without being admitted into the program so I dipped my toe in the water with a course on organizations and leadership. While I thought the course was interesting when class was in session, it was literally like pulling teeth to get me to start on assignments. I felt an overwhelming amount of stress from one class that was really not that difficult.  Something about it just didn’t sit right with me.  When I decided to drop the class I’d enrolled in for the second half of the semester, I was immensely relieved.  Huge weight off my shoulders.

And now, after falling a handful of times over the last four years, I’ve finally found the right fit: I am a life coach.  Now that I’ve found it, it makes complete sense.  All of the things I tried up to this point had aspects of coaching in it but none were exactly what I wanted. And so, after a while, I’d topple.

But not now.  Not this time. With life coaching, it’s like I’m beaming in star pose.  This feels completely right.  I start my formal training next weekend and I couldn’t be more excited.  I’ve already done a bunch of lengthy assignments for the program and while they were challenging, they never felt like work.

It wasn’t easy to get here.  In front of family, friends, and co-workers, it seemed like I toppled over arms flailing again and again. I fell so many times.

But you know how it feels when you finally nail a pose–like crow pose or something–and though you’re scared to death that you might fall flat on your head if you lose balance, when you find yourself holding the pose, even for five seconds, there’s that elation, that feeling of pure bliss, like wow. You know it?


Yeah, that’s what this feels like.

So no matter what you’re trying to figure out, whether it’s a career or a significant other or a new recipe or a new way with money or whatever, remember falling is not failing.

Jeans, a cat, and a million bucks

Happy Friday! I don’t have anything profound to say today so I’m just going to share a list of random things on my mind.

  1. I’m excited to see my mom this weekend. We’ll spend some time together tomorrow afternoon and I’m really looking forward to it.
  2. Being able to wear jeans to work on Fridays makes my day. I currently only have one pair of work pants, I only have black tights but only have brown shoes that are appropriate to wear with skirts so I’m so happy I can just wear jeans today.
  3. I felt like a million bucks running on the treadmill this morning.  I almost got back in bed but didn’t so instead of lifting told myself I’d just walk on the treadmill.  But when Blackout came on my iPod I got super pumped up and ran to the beat of the song.  I knew I bought that song for a reason!  I only ran for the duration of that one song but I had goosebumps while doing so, I was so in the zone.
  4. I’ve been spending my lunch breaks this week with this cute guy.  I almost kinda fell asleep on Wednesday while we cuddling on the couch.  I wish I had a couch to sit on and a window to look out for every lunch break. However, I’m not that excited for our time today because there’s a little bit of a mess on the carpet that I have to clean up.
  5. Zach and Emily are getting married on Sunday! We’re headed up to Long Island to see them tie the knot.  It’s going to be a great time. Can’t wait to see how pretty Emily looks.
  6. When I randomly woke up at 4 am this morning, I heard a baby crying in the apartment above ours and I thought “oh, those poor parents.” Then I wanted to stick a note under their door saying something like “don’t worry, it won’t be like this for long” or “you can get through this” or some other encouraging thing.  Or bake a lasagna or something. Since I don’t know these people, the above things would be weird.  So instead I just sent them some calm, relaxing thoughts and happy baby wishes. I also tried to turn our alarm off pretty quickly just in case the baby could hear it 🙂
  7. Also looking forward to going to “the D” with my girlfriends from home tomorrow night!
  8. Plans for tonight: post about Valentine’s Day and schedule to post tomorrow morning, finish cake balls to bring home for our families, and pack.
  9. Looking forward to some nice long car rides with Mike this weekend and the good talks we usually have during them.

Talk to me:

Have you felt like a million bucks recently? What are you looking forward to this weekend?

Work Talk Wednesday: Having it all

Work Talk Wednesday is back this week.

Here’s what we’ve talked about in the past:

This week we’re talking about work-life balance and having it all.

I saw this video posted on Facebook last week and thought it was really interesting and wanted to share it with you all and get your thoughts. Click the link below to watch the video and then share your response in the comments.

Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO, shares her thoughts on work life balance.

I’d love to know:

Can we have it all? 

Do you agree with the statement that “one of the most important career decisions you’ll make is who your life partner is?”

Other comments, thoughts, responses?

Let’s get a discussion going!  Share your thoughts in the comments.