coffee date


If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that I’m working on my relationship with money. I’ve been reading Money: A Love Story and absolutely loving it. I’m actually doing all of the exercises as I go through. It’s a total game-changer. I want to tell everyone about it. And I kind of want to buy my siblings copies for Christmas (guys, if you’re reading this, let me know if you don’t want one).

If we were having coffee today, you’d probably tell me that you love my nail polish. I painted my nails before work the other day (great morning activity for me), and I’ve gotten SO many compliments! I bought the polish because I loved the color and because the name, Big Spender, goes so perfectly with some of the realizations I’m having from Money: A Love Story. I think all the compliments are the universe telling me that I’m going in the right direction.

If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that Talbots is my new favorite store. Their clothes are so well made and fit me perfectly. And, on sale, fit my budget perfectly.

If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you how excited I am about the holidays. Not really much more to elaborate on that subject but I’m looking forward to this cozy holiday season.

What would you tell me, or ask me, if we were having coffee today?