how will you demonstrate your worthiness?

Do you know how worthy you are?

You are a beautiful human being capable of great things. The love you have in your heart is tremendous and can truly change the world.

So how do you let this beauty and love show through each day? How will you demonstrate your worthiness?

Is it a smile to a stranger? Cooking for someone you love? Letting someone know you appreciate them, even if sharing those feelings is a little awkward?

Is it giving yourself the same kindness you give to others? Is it practicing patience and settling into the waiting?

Is it recognizing that self-care isn’t frivolous and enjoying a nice long bath or face-mask? Is it preparing a fresh, vibrant salad for dinner tonight?

How will you show love today?

How will you demonstrate your worthiness?

Tell me, I want to know.

thinking about resolutions? i’ve got a question for you


Ahhh, how are you?? It’s so good to see you! {{{ HUG }}} {{{ BIG HUG }}} Mmm. It’s good to be back. And I’m glad you’re here too. I’m a happy camper.

So much talk about resolutions lately. I don’t really have much to say on the topic. I’m feeling kind of meh about the whole thing.

So let’s talk about you instead. I’ve got a message for you spurred by a conversation with a client.

Client: “I’m just not good at not being myself.”

Me, in my head, sarcastically: “Really?? I wonder why?”

But in all seriousness, if that isn’t a universal truth, I don’t know what is. We all suck at not being ourselves.

The good news is that we don’t need to be anyone but ourselves. That does, however, require a little bit of courage. But you can do it. And you’re worth it.

As you think about your resolutions and your hopes for 2014, let me ask you this:

what will you do to be you this year?

how will you shine brightly as your authentic self this year?


P.S. If you are making resolutions…here’s a post about making them stick >>>