September Sabbatical

I’m taking a sabbatical from the podcast in September. In this episode you’ll hear…

  • Why I’m taking a sabbatical
  • What I’m hoping to get out of it
  • What my inner critic thinks about it

Journal prompts

Where in your life would you like a sabbatical?

What would you be taking a sabbatical from?

If you want to get off the hamster wheel of life and want some coaching around what that can look like for you, email me at

While I’m away, get your Love Always, Jo fix with these episodes from the archives…

Personal/Fun, Delightful Episodes:

What My Husband and I Do During Our Quarterly Retreats

What I Learned in a Trapeze Class

Future Me

The 70’s Man

On growing up

Great interviews:

What It Really Means to Do Less with Kate Northrup

Taking a Month Off Work and Social Media with Brit Kolo (a great conversation about sabbaticals)

On Boundaries with Dr. Lauren Appio I’ve had listeners tell me that this is one they return to again and again

Joy and Being Brave with Kristen Kalp

Tapping Into Your Full Capacity for Pleasure with Lacey Broussard

Using Clothes to Increase Your Impact with Carrie Montgomery