i desire…


I’m leading a book group as part of Danielle LaPorte’s World’s Biggest Book Club. At the end of our last meeting we went around and shared, off the cuff, what we desire. (inspired by p. 23)

I desire…

to giggle with my husband at least once a day, to make a ritual of taking our future kids to Barnes and Noble and/or the library regularly to pick out new books together, to write, to have my words inspire and comfort other people, to host a standing Sunday brunch, to have a job that lights me up, to move my body every day in a way that feels right that day, to let go and feel free, to have fresh painted nails more often than not, to get in bed at the end of the day feeling a good kind of tired and already relaxed, to get lost in a good book, to go to happy hour regularly…

That’s all for now.

Wanna play? Share in the comments! It’s fun!


choc. chip cookies and basketball tickets

cookie box 2

Earlier this week, I made cookies for colleagues that took time to speak to the Lafayette students I hosted for an externship (essentially a job shadow). I packed them up in little boxes that I got at Target and delivered them with a handwritten thank you note.

I was surprised at how touched my colleagues were by this gesture. I got so many thank you’s for my thank you. But it was more than that. It seemed like it really touched their hearts.

Then, my heart was really touched when I was on the receiving end of a gesture like that…

On Tuesday afternoon, I got an email from a colleague in athletics:

Joanna, Good afternoon. Would you like two tickets to the Men’s Basketball game tomorrow night? Let me know if you’d like them and I’ll place them at will call for you.

My colleague didn’t explicitly say that this was a “thank-you” but regardless I was touched by this generosity. By his thinking of me and taking time out of his day to do this for me.

These experiences got me thinking about gratitude and connection. I think people just want to know they’re valued. And to have that expressed with a gesture like cookies was really nice. To be offered basketball tickets totally out of the blue (I’ve never been to a game!) was an acknowledgement of respect. These little things go a really long way.

Talk to me:

Have you been acknowledged or thanked recently in a way that really touched your heart?

Is there someone in your life that you’d like to thank?


book review: bread and wine

bread and wine

Bread and Wine: A Love Letter to Life Around the Table with Recipes by Shauna Niequist was one of the most-wanted items on my Christmas list this year.

This book fell in the cozy category on the list and it was exactly that. A book to cuddle up with to be reminded about the joys of life. The tenderness of relationships and family.

This book filled me with hope and connected with my soul in a way that I’ve rarely experienced before.

The truths in this book brought me to tears or made me want to scream “yes!” Passages like:

That’s what shame does though. It whispers to us that everyone is as obsessed with our failings as we are. p. 230

The heart of hospitality is about creating space for someone to feel seen and heard and loved. It’s about declaring your table a safe zone, a place of warmth and nourishment. p.114

Basically, I just really liked this book. Climbing into bed to read a chapter or two or getting cozy on the couch on a weekend day was such a treat. Yep, that’s what this book was to me, a treat.


two ah-ha’s i had during coaching

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I’ve had great sessions with my coach the last two weeks and had some big ah-ha moments. While they stand alone, they also relate to each other. In both cases, I almost cancelled the sessions because I “didn’t have anything to talk about.” I’m so glad I didn’t.

Here they are.

It’s OK to be OK.

This came during my first coaching session of the new year. I had a lot of things to look forward to and not much to really discuss. In the beginning of the session, I found myself almost searching for something tough, frustrating, or bothersome to talk about but nothing really came up or felt authentic to talk about in that moment. As I talked it out, I realized “it’s OK to be OK.” It’s OK to not have a complaint for a week. To be happy where you’re at and excited about where things are going. It’s OK to relish the times when things are going your way. When you’re feeling at peace.

In the my next session, I felt the same way. While I had a little bit of resistance and anxiety come up about some things coming down the pike, I’m mostly excited about the opportunities in front of me. I mentioned my fear and we acknowledged that it’s totally normal.

We kept talking about these opportunities and how they are so perfect for me. How they align really well with who I am, what I love, my strengths. They are perfect for me now and perfect to get me where I want to go in the future. We talked about how they fit into a future I hadn’t really openly considered until then. One thing lead to the next and 45-mins went by. Things came out that I had been thinking about and all these dots just connected. It was awesome. So powerful. And that’s when I realized…

Coaching isn’t only for conflicts and problems. It can also be about taking good to great. 

Uh, duh. You’d think I’d know this. Of course, as a coach myself I do know this.

So often we start coaching to get someone out of a conflict or help them make a decision that’s imminent. That what I’ve worked on myself and what I’ve worked on with clients.

But there is also so much value in talking through future ideas, brainstorming, talking about what’s working, why it’s working, and where we may want to go from here, how we can build on the goodness. It’s so powerful to have a space to talk through those types of things. I loved it.

And now that I know this, now that I’ve learned this through experience, I certainly won’t forget this anytime soon.

(You may have to remind me about the first one though…)

Sending love,



how will you demonstrate your worthiness?

Do you know how worthy you are?

You are a beautiful human being capable of great things. The love you have in your heart is tremendous and can truly change the world.

So how do you let this beauty and love show through each day? How will you demonstrate your worthiness?

Is it a smile to a stranger? Cooking for someone you love? Letting someone know you appreciate them, even if sharing those feelings is a little awkward?

Is it giving yourself the same kindness you give to others? Is it practicing patience and settling into the waiting?

Is it recognizing that self-care isn’t frivolous and enjoying a nice long bath or face-mask? Is it preparing a fresh, vibrant salad for dinner tonight?

How will you show love today?

How will you demonstrate your worthiness?

Tell me, I want to know.

thinking about resolutions? i’ve got a question for you


Ahhh, how are you?? It’s so good to see you! {{{ HUG }}} {{{ BIG HUG }}} Mmm. It’s good to be back. And I’m glad you’re here too. I’m a happy camper.

So much talk about resolutions lately. I don’t really have much to say on the topic. I’m feeling kind of meh about the whole thing.

So let’s talk about you instead. I’ve got a message for you spurred by a conversation with a client.

Client: “I’m just not good at not being myself.”

Me, in my head, sarcastically: “Really?? I wonder why?”

But in all seriousness, if that isn’t a universal truth, I don’t know what is. We all suck at not being ourselves.

The good news is that we don’t need to be anyone but ourselves. That does, however, require a little bit of courage. But you can do it. And you’re worth it.

As you think about your resolutions and your hopes for 2014, let me ask you this:

what will you do to be you this year?

how will you shine brightly as your authentic self this year?


P.S. If you are making resolutions…here’s a post about making them stick >>>

a new kind of christmas list

christmas mug

Every year, Mike’s mom asks us for Christmas lists. They’re due before we head back to DC after Thanksgiving weekend. I always struggle with this activity–feeling like it’s forced and I’m listing things that I’m lukewarm about.

I decided to make my Christmas list a little differently this year. I was going to make an intentional Christmas list. And I did. I took great care in making my Christmas list this year. And the whole process of making the list was very enjoyable.

I started by asking how I want to feel in 2014. I came up with three feelings:

cozy, pretty, and abundant

Then I thought of things that would support these feelings.

On my list:

throw blanket
Bread & Wine: A Love Letter to Life Around the Table with Recipes by Shauna Niequist (this could also go under abundant)

1″ curling iron
sleeveless blouses to go under cardigans
Sephora Favorite Sampler (hoping Santa can find this…I saw it in store but can’t find it online)

Kate Spade business card holder
Godiva chocolate bars (the small ones they have at Barnes and Noble)
Vase (fresh flowers always make me feel abunant…and pretty too)
Josie Maran Body Butter

I’m really happy with my list. But also, I think this process was really good for me. I’ve been working a lot on valuing and taking care of myself (more to come on that later) and I think this was a great exercise in learning how it feels to take good care and value yourself.

How do you want to feel in 2014? 

What’s on your Christmas list this year?

How would your list change if you first thought about how you want to feel in 2014 and only put things that supported that vision?



how to keep the holidays joyful

Mike’s aunt gave his mom some great advice for the holidays. She said “decide what you want to do and just do that.”

Simple. Decide what you want to do and just do that.

This time of year is crazy. There are lots of places to go and people to see. And a lot of tasks that need to be completed to go to those places and see those people.

For a time of year that is supposed to be about family, love, joy, hope, and peace, there are so many demands on your time and energy.

It’s easy to get burnt out and not enjoy the most wonderful time of the year. In fact, many times this time of year can be one of the most stressful.

I think that’s partly because we feel so many obligations. Feel like we have to do this or that to make someone else happy. And often we give in to those obligations and in doing so, we still a little bit of joy from ourselves.

But it really doesn’t have to be this way. We can start with the simple advice from Mike’s aunt. Decide what you want to do and just do that.

You can do it. Trust me.

I actually had a great experience with this last year. Last year, I mentioned that we were having a new type of Thanksgiving. But, I never shared how that went.

Long story short Thanksgiving usually goes like this: lunch at 1pm, dinner at 4pm, double food coma and complete exhaustion by 6pm. Last year, I said we’re going to do it different. I’d really like to take a nap after the first meal instead of rush around. So I told my dad that we’d come a little bit later. After the first meal at Mike’s parents, I took a nap. I woke up without an alarm and as soon as I woke up I wanted to go see my family. We got there around 6 or so and ended up staying and chatting for hours. I think we didn’t leave until close to 11!

In doing that, we got relaxed, quality time with both of our families. I was completely present and happy at both events and my family was able to have all of me, the happy, joyful Joanna. They got me. The Joanna I want to be.

So, I know from experience, you can decide what you want to do and just do that. And your holidays may actually be happier for it.

Tell me: what do you really want to do this holiday season? what do you want permission not to do?

P.S. Here’s a beautiful post about this same subject:

link love

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It’s a snow day–for everyone in DC but me and my colleagues. I can’t believe the university I work for isn’t closed. Seriously, I can’t believe it. On the bright side: I’m glad I have new Hunter boots to wear and I’m taking this as permission to wear leggings to work 🙂

If you’re enjoying the beautiful snow fall from the comfort of your couch–maybe in your robe while drinking coffee with your Christmas mug (like Mike), here are some links to enjoy while you relax. Enjoy!

The salad version of comfort food. We’ve made this twice now. I’m obsessed.

As a book lover, I love this idea for a Secret-Santa.

Should is a warning sign. Yes.

Completely agree with this video about the best workout.

You’ve got to download this wallpaper. I couldn’t agree more.

Stumbled on Elizabeth’s blog this weekend and am fascinated by her 30 Days of Hair Series. I’ve watched beach waves and blowout and can’t wait to watch more. I’ve recently been getting into beauty more and these hair tutorials are perfect. Not only does she have videos, she has a list of exactly the products she’s using right on the post. Brilliant! Don’t you love when exactly what you need/want shows up at exactly the right time?  I do.

Pretty sure this is the best Buzzfeed ever. As a huge Home Alone fan, I literally laughed out loud.

This question is radical and will change the way you think about goals. (Click this link and watch the video.) And then, if you’re in the DC area and want to be in a soulful book group that really gets into how you want to answer this question, email me. I’d love to have you.

Any links you’re loving lately? Please share in the comments!