link love

 cup of tea

Happy Friday! Here are some links for your lazy Saturday morning:

1. My sister, Chrissy, sent me this post titled “How to Talk to Your Daughter About Her Body” and said it made her think of me. (I’m honored.) I’ve thought a lot about the topic of body image and my future daughter(s) and I love what Sarah‘s got to say on the topic. You’ll be surprised to learn that she’s a 20-year old college student!

2. I loved these lines from my friend Carissa‘s post on Yoganonymous. “If someone decides to leave, resist the urge you might feel to judge. Sometimes, silence and space is simply too overwhelming, too vulnerable.”

3. Sometimes decisions can take forever where I work. I appreciated this article about clarity and decision making.

Two posts you may have missed on Love Always, Jo this week:

Enjoy your weekend!

Have you read anything good this week? Share in the comments!